Best Childcare & Preschool
near Hollywood, SC
We know it's tough!
At Messy Monkeys, we know that as a parent you’ve got a lot of boxes to check when making a decision about childcare in Hollywood, SC for the most important little people in your life. Maybe this is your first time trusting someone else with your baby. Maybe you have been disappointed with a prior childcare experience.
We get you. And... we’ve got you.
Quality Preschool in Hollywood, SC
You’re looking for a clean, bright, stimulating space in Hollywood, SC that brings your child joy and offers them a place to learn and grow. You’re looking for a staff of caregivers who genuinely recognize, love and nurture your child while in their care. You’re looking for a safe space you can trust and feel good about leaving your child. You’re looking for a reliable center that offers consistent quality care all day, every day... without exception.
You’re looking for us.
Childcare Programs in Hollywood, SC
6 weeks - 12 mos
1 - 2 years
Early Explorers
2 - 3 years
3 - 4 years
4-K Preppers
4 - 5 years
Frequently Asked Questions
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This is what working in childcare should feel like! Find out how to join our team!